Chalk Giants are coming to Wall

The Chalk Giants is a shadow puppet show developed by a national renowned theatre company from Norfolk and is being put on as part of the Highlights Rural Touring programme. The story-line is based on Jack and the beanstalk – except the Giants were just minding their own business and Jack turns out to be a bit of a tear-away.

It’s on Saturday 5th March, the show starts at 6pm in Wall Village Hall and there will be a home made sweet stall for the children beforehand (and adults too I’m sure!).
Tickets are £4.50 (children) / £7 (adults) / £21 (family, 2+2) – and Humshaugh First School will be benefitting from the proceeds.

If you’ve already booked tickets – thank you very much! If not, contact us, we’d love to see you there.